These days, I’m in full-time employment, and enjoying having spare time again to mark art.
Aside from my shop on my website here, you can view (and buy! 😉 ) my originals on Bluethumb here: https://bluethumb.com.au/jennifer-mosher or buy merchandise with my images on from Redbubble here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/jenmosh/shop
But it wasn’t always this way. From around 2007 until 2023 I ran my own business – Mosher’s Business Support Pty Ltd. It started as an office in Hazelbrook in the beautiful Blue Mountains, with the assistance of my daughter, Ally Mosher, and we offered all sorts of things – printing, photocopying, editing and proofreading, websites and more.
Eventually we slid into self publishing and so if my name sounds familiar, you may also know me as being:
- co-founder, former owner and Managing Director of IndieMosh, which offers self publishing facilitation services to Australian writers
- founder and owner of The MoshShop – the former online bookstore for Aussies to buy our IndieMosh books
- founder and owner of the former self publishing book marketing site One Thousand Words Plus
- founder, editor-in-chief and publisher of the now-closed narratorINTERNATIONAL (and its prior incarnations: narrator MAGAZINE, narratorAUSTRALIA, narratorUK, narratorUSA, narratorROMANCE, etc)
- a member of the first cohort of IPEd Accredited Editors in Australia (and NSW)
- a judge for the 2012 Global Ebook Awards.
I have written the odd (decidedly odd) bit of poetry and the occasional short story and have published several books. I look forward to perhaps writing some longer fiction and publishing a few more books in the years to come, but for now, I’m happy just to make art and walk among the trees.
So please feel free to find out more about the things I’ve created over the years in case any of it is of any interest to you!
If you’ve worked with me over the years, you may recognise me from one of my prior profile pics. As a Gemini, change is the only constant in my life!