The Rock Star in the Mirror by Sharon E. Cathcart

The Rock Star in the Mirror (or, How David Bowie Ruined My Life)The Rock Star in the Mirror by Sharon E. Cathcart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved it.

Such a nice change to read a story with real, relatable, from-the-heart conflict, rather than the exacerbated, hyped-up, let’s get the reader in a lather type conflict which seems prevalent in so many stories these days.

This tale moved along at a well-balanced pace, dialogue and storyline very enjoyable, and it was, simply, good fun to read! As every story should be.

Oh, and it’s sort of anchored around David Bowie in a very clever way, but that was just an added bonus for me 🙂

I will actually re-read this in a few weeks time – which is something I very, very rarely do. So that tells you something.

Get it. Read it. Go on – it will make you smile.

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