Sometimes, you follow a link, and you end up with a little gem. Julie Morrigan’s The Writing on the Wall is one of those little gems.
Despite publishing a short story writing competition (Narrator Magazine), I’m not a lover of short stories per se – I’d rather a 60,000-120,000 word novel to sink my teeth into. However, I noticed a small plug for this on Facebook from the owner of A Reader’s Heaven, and figured that, for $1.49, what did I have to lose? The answer, it turns out, was nothing!
I found this collection of seven short stories from Julie, plus one from Steven Miscandlon, surprisingly entertaining. I don’t mind a little ‘alternative energy’ type story from time to time – things from the other side, things that can’t be explained etc, but I can’t generally read a lot of it. So what’s the difference here? Talent.
Miss Morrigan writes for a 21st century audience – she uses modern, realistic, yet intelligent dialogue (both she and Mr Miscandlon both slip a well-placed ‘fuck’ in here and there, no pun intended!), and realistic events such as going down to the pub to discuss what to do next, or having one character playing with his Wii, but it’s all done with proper sentence structure, proper grammar, punctuation and spelling, and the most important thing of all: strong, character-driven plots. Like other modern authors who have finally realised that people don’t care what colour the sofa is unless it’s important to the story, she doesn’t waste our time painting a pretty (or in some cases, ugly) picture. If it’s not important – it’s out!
I won’t tell you about the stories – that’s not what I’m here for – but I will recommend that you go and investigate Miss Morrigan’s book on Smashwords, and then if you’re interested in more, visit her website. I’m not sure how long she’s been around, but with quality writing like this, I feel she’ll have a good chance of being around for a long time yet. Enjoy!!
I have been a fan of Julie’s for a little while now and your description of these stories is spot-on. Not a word wasted, not a paragraph that doesn’t push the story along. And the subject matters are true-to-life.
Glad you liked it…but not as glad as Julie will be!
More, more, MORE Moorigan. Yes indeed, Ms Mosher, you read this mighty author’s writes just write. Julie’s the real deal and … all puns intended, a shooting star for dark streets named desire and around corners not yet seen. Teeming talent kinda does that, doesn’t it?
Speaking of ‘teaming talent’, there’s no mishandlng your praise for Mr Miscandlon either. The guy’s just top notch and knows his way around economy of word motion. You feel it.
That’s it.
Keep a watch on those two.
(They know how to adventure swell).
~ Absolutely*Kate,
thiking it divine that Readers Heaven tipped you off to this find
Thanks for your comments! I think you’re right, Kate – these two WILL be ones to watch out for! And Paul, not sure how you found out about Julie, but good pick 🙂
Thank you so much for the kind words, Jennifer – I’m delighted you enjoyed it. 🙂
And thanks again to Paul and Kate for being so generous and such good friends. Incidentally, I met my mate Kate when we both submitted dark Xmas tales to the same site just over a year ago, and Paul when ARH was promoting indie writers – a mate suggested to me that I got in touch with him, and I’m glad I did. 😀
Hey Julie,
Don’t you just love how the internet works like that?
You meet Kate via a website, she recommends getting in touch with Paul, I’ve connected with Paul via a different channel, then all of a sudden I’m reading a collection of short stories that I wouldn’t otherwise have considered picking up, discovering a new (to me) author (you!) and really enjoying something outside of my usual comfort zone. I just love the way it all pans out some days …
Happy writing!! 😀
And Paul shared your review on FB and here we are. It can be brilliant, that internet, can’t it! 😀
Ahhhh, the WebTowne *magick* just continues. If not for the way lovely words tell us they wish to dance and dart, I would not have been graced with the admiration I have for the talents of good Julie’s heart . . .
Paulie and I (shhhh, he’ll yelp because I called him that), formed a fast and fond friendship in early writing days where meanings spun from the depths of a mere Six Sentences, and he and I orchestrated an international “BIG CLINK” to bring in the NewYear, starting with Aussie chimes of time.
Such treasures, the authors who become colleagues who become friends on each of our success swirls of destiny forth … But now? Now I get a taste to savour of how Ms Mosher mulls and muses.
I like it.
I’ll be back for more and e’er cheering, aiding or abetting your good works as well, Lady Jennifer.
Grace o’my thanks to you all for this momentary gathering of minds celebrating risinig and rousing talent in our midst.
~ Absolutely*Kate,
Believing in Believers
Dear Kate
… I can’t for a moment compete with your wonderful use of language, so I won’t even try!
But lovely to connect with another in this cyberworld of words and meaning … may the connection be a long one 🙂
Lovely Jennifer ~
I just knew I liked your class and style. I shall be delving into some of your own works in the weeks to come and learn you the more . . . across our mere ponds. Sending you currents of energies for the smile you have just given me this day. (You had no way of knowing, but there’s a tough lump within as my parents’ home is being sold this day, since they’re leaving this world within the last year. We hold always what we treasure within us, but to bid a fond farewell to one’s homeland — is a tough day in any world.)
But your kind words did yield a smile. Good folks are always meant to cross our pathways. I’m glad Julie writes so splendidly and Paul tips his hat good authors’ ways. There is really no such thing as a coincidence in this world we travel.
~ Absolutely*Kate
{typo before the editor in you comes across it — “they’re” would be more comfortable as ‘their’}
But as for this meeting up ~ ahhhhhhh, our Ms Morrigan titles it best ~
Good morning Kate
You will be pleased to know I totally missed your typo – and sad to say, as I age, it’s often one that I make myself these days in my rush to strike the keys of communication. So well self-edited, that girl!
Yes, the cosmic circuitousness of this page is a wonder, is it not?! And thank you for alerting me – I hadn’t realised until you pointed it out. ‘The cosmic circuitousness of cyberspace’ … sounds like a good name for a story, methinks 🙂 Any takers?!