Self publishing in the 21st century workshop

Bookings closed. Please contact me if you would like to be informed about the next workshop.


Saturday, 4 May 2013, 9am to 4.30pm


The Tower Room
Mt Heritage Hotel and Spa
Cnr Apex & Lovel Streets
Katoomba NSW 2780

How much:

$198 includes GST, morning and afternoon tea, lunch, internet access and course materials

This full day workshop will walk you through the steps required to self publish your book and/or ebook. You will finish the day with a published short story or non-fiction ebook, and a ready-to-print on demand book of your short story.

Numbers are strictly limited to 12.

Participants will be expected to have some confidence using the internet and the ability to use word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Open Office.

I recommend that you wear comfortable clothes, and bring a laptop (or at worst a tablet), plus a short story or other short document you’ve written which can be formatted in Word or Open Office with headers etc to practise on. You will also need a viable email address for business/writing purposes.

Topics covered (in no particular order):

  • what makes a good book – fiction and non-fiction
  • formatting for print – Amazon and CreateSpace
  • formatting for digital – Amazon Kindle and Smashwords
  • where to publish – Amazon, Smashwords and other options
  • marketing tips – blogging, websites, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest
  • how publishing today is different to what it was five years ago – self publishing is no longer considered vanity publishing
  • ebooks and why you should consider them
  • different types of ebook
  • ISBNs
  • copyright, territorial rights, former publishers
  • digital rights management (DRM)
  • using images – yours and other people’s
  • tax issues to consider
  • royalties and how they work
  • publishing companies and outlets you can use – Smashwords for Barnes and Noble, the Apple iBookstore, Blurb, Bookbaby, IndieMosh 
  • to pseudonym or not
  • cover design
  • social media – to Facebook or not to Facebook?

Participants will be sent a sheet requesting them to create accounts with Amazon and Smashwords prior to the event. Links will be provided. You will also need to advise if you have any particular dietary requirements.

Book and pay through The MoshShop (click on the Workshops icon) or else contact me directly through the MoshPit Publishing contact page for an invoice or more info.


Jenny Mosher is the owner/operator of Mosher’s Business Support Pty Ltd which is the holding company for:

MoshPit Publishing – providing proofreading, editing and other publishing services across Australia, including self publishing workshops

IndieMosh – providing self publishing ebook and print on demand packages to Australian authors and writers

narratorAUSTRALIA – creative writing competition for Australian short story writers and poets

One Thousand Words Plus – book marketing site for authors worldwide to promote their books

The MoshShop – online retail outlet for Australian books and ebooks

Travel Competitions Australia – online travel competition site for travel companies to promote their competitions and market their travel packages

After a lifetime in accounting, Jenny discovered editing and publishing and since then has been on the enjoyable journey of testing all that new technology can do to help writers self publish their books.

The author of Who Caught the Yawn? and Where Did the Sneeze Go? as well as the popular short free ebook Simple Rules for Effective Business Communication, Jenny has helped many other authors bring their works to life in print and ebook formats under the MoshPit Publishing imprint and writers’ own publishng imprints.

Jenny also presented three sessions for Publish! Blue Mountains in 2012 in ebook publishing. See YouTube for the first of these sessions, EBooks 101:

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